On May 22, the people of Ireland will head to the polling stations to decide whether the nation’s LGBT population should be legally allowed to marry. It’s the first time that a country will decide the issue by popular vote--a requirement due to Irish constitutional law--and the rush of activism and campaigning has been a truly inspiring sight to behold. In anticipation, students at Dublin’s Institute of Technology (DIT) are hosting a massive live event on Vicar Street Thursday, March 19. More than just a good time, the aim of StandUp4Love is to encourage students to get out on the day and vote, because they are the greatest hope of seeing the legislation passed. According to GLEN, students are overwhelmingly inclined to vote Yes for marriage equality, but they’re also the demographic least likely to actually vote.
The planning committee has gone all out, and secured a lineup of activists and comedians, television personalities, musicians and drag queens. Of course, no marriage equality event would be complete without Panti, and the internationally renowned activist-drag queen will be there to open the night, hilariously and eloquently putting the vote in context. Other performers include Rainy Boy Sleep, Vann Music, Davina Devine, The Rubber Bandits, Tara Flynn, Hudson Taylor and HamsandwhicH. Celebrity guests Thalia Heffernan, Louise Johnston, Darren Kennedy and Holly Carpenter will also be in attendance to show their personal support for the cause.
That the event has support from DIT LGBT Society, Catapult Events, OutHouse, Marriage Equality, Dublin Pride, GLEN and BLOCK T reflects the incredible way in which the Irish people have embraced the cause. Polls suggest that upwards of 80% of the voting population support marriage equality, a number which rises to 90% among students. Rob Kenny, Head Coordinator for StandUp4Love had this to say:
"The general feeling on the ground campaigning in Dublin at the moment is that we are going to run away with this, as everyone you tend to meet on a day-to-day basis will support a yes vote. Before I got so heavily involved in the Marriage Equality campaign, I thought that we had a yes vote in the bag. However, I have learned that the reality of it is that people are complacent. There's a real worry from the 'Yes Equality' side that a lot of people who would vote yes aren't actually pushed enough on this topic physically go down to the polling booths on May 22nd, and a lot of them have the attitude that it will pass anyway, that their own vote won't make a difference. But anyone who has decided they are going to vote no are going to be the first up that morning to march down to the polling station. This could really be a lot closer than people think and one of the main reasons we've organized 'StandUp4Love' is to draw that message home and encourage everyone to get up and vote and to let them know how important that is."
‘StandUp4Love’ Marriage Equality live event will take place on Vicar Street on Thursday, March 19 2015 with doors opening 7.30pm. Tickets on sale now: €10 for students, €15 general admission, €20 at the door. Tickets available via DIT Aungier Street, The George and at Eventbrite.ie
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