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Watch: Justin Trudeau Raises the Pride Flag at Parliament

Watch: Justin Trudeau Raises the Pride Flag at Parliament

It's the first time in Canadian history! 

Just when we thought Justin Trudeau couldn’t get any more perfect.

In honor of Pride month, the Canadian prime minister joined other politicians to raise the Pride flag on Parliament Hill for the first time in Canadian history. 

“This is a great day for Canada and it's part of a long series of milestones this country has hit over the years," Trudeau says in the video. "It hasn't been easy, it hasn't been automatic, a lot of people fought for a long time for this day to happen."

Openly gay MP Randy Boissonnault also spoke at the flag raising. “On June 1, we celebrate the beginning of Pride in our country, and that means that every day of the year no matter who you love or how you identify that you are valued in our country.” 

Trudeau plans to continue his involvement with Pride as he becomes the first prime minister to participate in Pride marches across Canada this month. 

“We still have more work to do,” he said, referring to his push for a bill that would extend rights and protections to transgender Canadians

Check out his whole speech below:

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